Jul 27, 2013 | Blog
Chairs in a waiting room. Something Kafkaesque about these two guys. How much time has been spent waiting? What were you waiting for? A bag of potatoes? The bus? The right man or woman to show up? Or suitcases? I’ve spent endless hours waiting..Dressing rooms...
Jul 26, 2013 | Blog
Inspiration is everywhere.. Even in a bicycle basket ..This one’s a star!..Decorated with plastic flowers, it cheered up my day recently. There are so many viewpoints and opinions to be expressed in all things.. especially when the subjects seem to be...
Jul 25, 2013 | Blog
Yesterday’s blog had quite a few divisive responses..We had to get the "troll" net out of the cupboard….which actually doesn’t happen that often…fortunately! Some topics are just like that…They draw out strongly held opposing...
Jul 24, 2013 | Blog
Royal baby fever is abundant in the UK.. I just hope this young family are allowed a little space to get at least some semblance of privacy and normality. The culture of celebrity seems to be even more rapacious than it ever was before. They (William and Kate)...
Jul 23, 2013 | Blog
Here’s my school satchel and some music books, from the exhibition of The House of Annie Lennox, when it was presented at Aberdeen Art Gallery last year. These things accompanied me through my secondary school years. They’re redolent with memory and...