So proud of mothers2mothers

So proud of mothers2mothers

Pregnancy with safe delivery is such a truly special experience for EVERY woman!! M2M ensures that mothers living with HIV are alive and healthy, while their babies are born FREE of the virus!! So proud of the work they do!! mothers2mothers

I’m hanging onto it with my fingernails.

I’m hanging onto it with my fingernails.

Not long after Barack Obama became president, I discovered this beautifully printed cotton bag in South Africa ( the picture doesn't do it justice!) At that time the main factor that so many people felt so strongly about was 'hope'. You can just see the word printed...

George Michael

George Michael

I feel very sad and shocked to hear the news about George Michael today.. He meant such a lot to the millions of people who loved and appreciated his music everywhere around the world.



1st Dec 2016. Today is World AIDS Day... Kudos to all the advocates, activists, NGO's and agencies. doctors, nurses, care givers and everyone who's been involved in the fight to effectively respond to the AIDS pandemic! We've come a long way, but there's still such a...

Watch Online: Annie Lennox – Lovie Letters

Watch Online: Annie Lennox – Lovie Letters

New exclusive video with Annie from the The Lovie AwardsLove Letters series. Annie discusses founding the The Circle and how the Internet is a key player in creating a space to empower girls and women across the world. CLICK HERE TO WATCH NOW 

Harper’s Bazaar Philanthropy Award

Harper’s Bazaar Philanthropy Award

This week Annie Lennox received the Harper's Bazaar Philanthropy Award at The 2016 Women Of The Year Awards. You can find out more here: (…/harpers-bazaar-women-of-t…/) or in the latest edition of Harper's Bazaar UK on newsstands...

Small Steps Project

Small Steps Project

It is beyond appalling that any child should have to work and live on a garbage dump in order to survive. If you’ve been brought up in a resourced country, this kind of abject poverty is beyond the realms of your experience, but for countless numbers of vulnerable...

“Melanie said this was OK…”

“Melanie said this was OK…”

"Melanie said this was OK..." Excerpt from a conversation by the deplorable misogynist, who is running for the position of President of the United States.. “I moved on her and I failed.” “I’ll admit it. “I did try and fuck her. She was married. And I moved on her very...