Watch online: Annie speaks to Aljazeera

Watch online: Annie speaks to Aljazeera

Watch online: Annie speaks to Al-jazeera "Great progress has been made in the fight against HIV and AIDS, but is it enough to eradicate the virus? According to UNAIDS, in 2014, there were more than 36.9 million people living with HIV, and in sub-Saharan Africa there...

Global Causes Day

Global Causes Day

Facebook kindly invited me to speak at their UK Headquarters for "Global Causes Day” It was a wonderful opportunity to discuss activism and campaigning on HIV/AIDS and Global Gender Equality via the organisation I founded called " The Circle ”. I’m...

New Interview: Makers

New Interview: Makers

Annie takes part in ‘Makers' AOL has launched it’s inline women’s platform, ‘’ in the UK. Makers has already launched in the US, Canada and China and features an online collection of women’s stories, with content from the likes of Hillary Clinton, Oprah...

Here’s what you can do for the planet today!

Here’s what you can do for the planet today!

Dear friends.. Here’s what you can do for the planet today! It’ll take less than a minute of your time to help Greenpeace UK reach their goal of 250,000 signatures.. Every signature counts.. Love Annie

Poems That Make Grown Women Cry

Poems That Make Grown Women Cry

Last year I was invited to contribute to a fascinating anthology entitled “Poems That Make Grown Women Cry”, compiled by Anthony and Ben Holden for Amnesty International in response to the question “ What poem has moved you to tears”? I chose "Suicide in the...