'Strange Fruit Video'
The Guardian have just revealed the brand new performance video for 'Strange Fruit' taken from Annie's new album 'Nostalgia' Click here to watch it now 'Nostalgia' will be released 21st Oct USA / 27th Oct Worldwide Available for pre order now: iTunes...

iTunes Q&A!
I've been invited by iTunes Facebook page to answer questions and talk about "NOSTALGIA"..my latest album. So if you happen to be free and available on Wednesday Oct 22nd at 11.15 am PT / 2.15pm ET / 7.15pm BST and have an interesting question to put to me about...

I went to what used to be CBGB's earlier
I went to what used to be CBGB's earlier and it's now an up market men's clothing store with a rock n' roll theme..."Oh the times they are a changin'"..

Peace be with us all
This morning I woke up to a tsunami of hatred and vitriol on my Twitter and Facebook pages. Those who appear to be deeply offended by an apparent quote from a newspaper have had no hesitation in publicly describing me in the most vile pejorative terms. They demand an...

Look out for these posters if you happen to be in New York City!
Look out for these posters if you happen to be in New York City! It's a special project my daughter Tali has been working on with her boyfriend, photographer Ian Jones. #STREETKIDSPROJECT in collaboration with Grey Magazine & Diesel. Inner city dwellers empowering...

It's just par for the course..
It's just par for the course.. You give an intelligent - thoughtful interview and they extract a word or phrase to try to make it salacious or contentious. ...

Watch online – Two brand new interviews with Annie
Watch online - Two brand new interviews with Annie filmed in LA yesterday.KTLA 5 News - http://po.st/ktlaAnnie Entertainment Tonight - http://po.st/IETqA1

The word "Feminist" seems to trigger a lot of conflicting reactions with some very polarising interpretations. Here's what you find on Google… I think it's pretty spot on.Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and...

Heaven is a fabric shop boys 'n girls
Heaven is a fabric shop boys 'n girls

Busy, busy busy…
Busy, busy busy...

Fifties childhood.
A piece of Nostalgia which is very reminiscent of my Fifties childhood. The illustrations are captivating, but the tales are pretty hardcore for small children!

In the studio today…
In studio today recording for radio programmes..

World Exclusive – New Video – Summertime
World exclusive! We're delighted to announce that the new video for 'Summertime' has just been released on The Wall Street Journal blog! iTunes - http://po.st/NostalgiaiTunesAmazon - http://po.st/NostalgiaAmazon Annie's Store - http://po.st/eS6Hcg

Nostalgia Released On Vinyl Today In The USA + TV And Live Appearance Update
September 30, 2014 - New York, NY – Nostalgia, the seventh solo album from legendary singer-songwriter Annie Lennox, is out today on vinyl. It is available on Amazon and at nostalgia.annielennox.com, The album features Lennox’s fresh and hauntingly beautiful takes on...

My favourite little teapot
My favourite little teapot gives me a sense of comfort in the world..Send in tea pot pictures why don't ya? Let's compare and contrast reasons for brewing..

I noticed this beautiful Autumn leaf lying on the pavement today and felt compelled to take it's portrait to share with y'all... The leaves of brown came tumbling down remember..that September in the rain. Nostalgia!

Annie Lennox – The Drop – Grammy Museum
Singer-songwriter, activist, and iconoclast, Annie Lennox is one of the most universally renowned artists in pop music history. Named one of The 100 Greatest Singers of All Time by Rolling Stone, Lennox has won more Brit Awards than any other female artist in history...

Watch Online – Annie Speaks To Yahoo.com
Click here to watch the interview online

Listen online – BBC Radio London
Annie spoke to Jo Good on BBC Radio London today, you can listen back on iplayer here (01.02 on the player)

When the going gets tough, the tough make soup!!
When the going gets tough, the tough make soup!!