Where the devil am I?
Where the devil am I? The gentleman in the red checked shirt knows the answer exactly

FROM MAYA ANGELOU'S WEBSITE Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Statement from Dr. Maya Angelou’s Family: Dr. Maya Angelou passed quietly in her home before 8:00 a.m. EST. Her family is extremely grateful that her ascension was not belabored by a loss of acuity or comprehension....

Secret seats of soggy London..
Secret seats of soggy London..bring your weatherproofs if you're heading this way you travellers..

More secret London
More secret London..actually it's a really public place, but you need to look up before you get the full effect.Thoughts with Glasgow Art Academy today..

Out and about in London Town..
Out and about in London Town.. something almost quaintly old fashioned about this Union Jack in a shop window..It seems to have lost some of the connotations that made me feel uncomfortable back in the day.

Secret London… at night
Secret London... at night

Another dream garden..this one's not in Chelsea..as you might have gathered!
Another dream garden..this one's not in Chelsea..as you might have gathered!

I passed by this magical garden in the heart of London earlier today. Who would think it?
I passed by this magical garden in the heart of London earlier today. Who would think it?

They say that flowers can speak louder than words..
They say that flowers can speak louder than words..so in honour of these gorgeous blooms.. I'm keeping shtum!

Brooding skies..just before the rain fall..Is it raining with you?
Brooding skies..just before the rain fall..Is it raining with you?

It's Mother's Day in the USA..Greetings to mothers everywhere..
It's Mother's Day in the USA..Greetings to mothers everywhere..

Continuing on the theme of interesting footwear..
Continuing on the theme of interesting footwear.. We've been walking around with points extending from our toes for centuries..Freud might well have something to say about the subject..

Fabulous boots.. Yeee Ha!
Fabulous boots.. Yeee Ha!

Please support 1 Billion Rising by signing this petition
Please support 1 Billion Rising by signing this petition and sharing it with all your friends. RISE FOR OUR SISTERS IN NIGERIA Dear One Billion Rising and V-Day Activists, Two weeks ago, 234 teenage girls were kidnapped in the Nigerian city of Bornu while taking their...

Well.. How about..
Well.. How about.. Religious.. or Pointillistic?

An incredible sunset..
An incredible sunset.. Created by the hand of God..

Rainbows can be found in all kinds of interesting places..
Rainbows can be found in all kinds of interesting places.. They just need to be noticed..

Is it still Easter?
Is it still Easter? The chickens are laying in abundance in any case. FYI.. The bunny's friends were mini penitents that I'd encountered in the chocolate shop window display. I wasn't too sure how they fitted in among all the cuteness, but for Semana Santa they're...

The Easter Bunny with his friends are in the chocolate shop!
The Easter Bunny with his friends are in the chocolate shop!

Here's some exquisite jasmine in bloom.
Here's some exquisite jasmine in bloom. Unfortunately they haven't yet invented an olfactory app for you to inhale it's perfume. All I can share is this photograph..The smell is so incredible that it's almost intoxicating..