Check out this incredible story of Pascale Honore

Check out this incredible story of Pascale Honore

Check out this incredible story of Pascale Honore, who was left paralegic by a car accident. She loves the sea, so her son's friend, Tyrone Swan, came up with an idea..He strapped her onto his back with duct tape and took her out swimming on his...

Goodbye white cup

Goodbye white cup

Goodbye white cup, my old friend..Sorry I dropped you. The other cups are feeling a bit lonely without you..and I'll miss the shine of your china in the mornings..

Saharan sand has landed in London

Saharan sand has landed in London

Saharan sand has landed in London, covering all the vehicles in a fine dust. If ever you thought that we're not connected to the rest of the Globe .. Think again.. We're all populating the same spinning sphere..

My husband and I wrote a blog for The Huffington Post

My husband and I wrote a blog for The Huffington Post

My husband and I wrote a blog for The Huffington Post "Global Moms Relay".. Johnson and Johnson have pledged to donate $1 for every social media action taken.. So PLEASE READ, LIKE, COMMENT AND SHARE my friends! You really can make a huge difference when you do! CLICK...

So here's my take on the future of Scotland. …

So here's my take on the future of Scotland. …

So here's my take on the future of Scotland. … What's best for the future of Scotland, her population and generations to come? Would breaking away from the UK bring long term benefits, or would the cessation of union be an unmitigated disaster from which there would...

Isn't it time to wake up and smell the coffee?

Isn't it time to wake up and smell the coffee?

ISN'T IT TIME TO WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE? I JUST RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING EMAIL FROM JAMIE WOOLLEY OF GREENPEACE…WHAT'S YOUR THINKING ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE? The devastating floods spreading across the country are causing havoc for everyone caught in their path, and...

One Billion Rising

One Billion Rising

Eve Ensler …author of The Vagina Monologues, started a movement to wake the world up to the horror of violence, abuse and injustice that is universally meted out to women and girls on a daily basis. If you haven't heard about 1 Billion Rising …Now's your time to find...

Well folks.

Well folks.

Well folks..After all's said and done, what is there still left to do? The ironing.

Here's my "Gift" for you today…

Here's my "Gift" for you today…

The Gift I don't often think about the work I've made in the past, unless I'm called to perform it…Here's my "Gift" for you today…Thanks for all the lovely comments!