Sending a picture I took yesterday

Sending a picture I took yesterday

Sending a picture I took yesterday of Xmas lights in Covent Garden…The festive spirit is starting to kick in over here, as it were. In contrast, in another part of the world, this morning I read the reports about the horrendous typhoon that's just struck the...

It’s been quite a week in all sorts of ways

It’s been quite a week in all sorts of ways

It's been quite a week in all sorts of ways and certainly not every day that you get given something like a MITS Award! Here's a picture of the tables in the room before everybody came in. Imagine catering for 2,000 people at one sitting!! Jo Whiley and Peter Gabriel...

Very thought provoking article

Very thought provoking article

Today's blog is a very thought provoking article written by 90 year old Harry Leslie Smith and published in the Guardian.

Annie’s Drawing Auctioned

We are delighted to announce that Annie's pencil drawing of Nelson Mandela raised over £10,000 at the MITS Award auction on Monday in aid of the BRITS Trust and Nordoff Robbins.

I’m getting ready for a long day

I’m getting ready for a long day

I'm getting ready for a long day, when I have to be bright eyed and bushy tailed at a point in the evening when I'm usually getting settled in for a whiskey laced cocoa...The thing about performing is the "waiting".. Anyone who performs understands this.....

This is what my Halloween was like..

This is what my Halloween was like..

This is what my Halloween was like.. Three small pumpkins gazing somewhat dolefully from a window ledge. When my kids were little I used to always do the Halloween thing.. But now I'm just an observer. I mean, it would be a bit weird for a 58 year old woman to be...

So many folks were SO close

So many folks were SO close

So many folks were SO close…but not quite…I regretfully have to inform you that there was no celery, eggs, kale, parsnip or chicken or any other dubious item in the pot my dears! The exact ingredients were..ONION: LEEK: SPLIT PEAS: LENTILS :BARLEY: MIXED...

A metaphor for everything in my view.

A metaphor for everything in my view.

Just sharing this picture I took earlier of felled tree lying prone in the neighbouring vicinity of my "hood"…How extraordinary it is that nature can simply huff and puff a few times and bring this noble arbour swiftly down from it's lofty...



Satellite's gone up to the sky... Thing's like that drive me out of my mind I watched it for a little while I like to watch things on TV Satellite of love Satellite of love Satellite of love Satellite of love... R.I.P LOU REED...

Greetings from London England

Greetings from London England

Greetings from London England..We went for a ubiquitous vanilla skinny latte thingy today in one of the ubiquitous places selling vanilla skinny latte products.. At every street corner there are popular coffee shops selling similar versions of cups of latte in a...

They even say it could be like the storm of ’87

They even say it could be like the storm of ’87

The UK weather forecast predicts that a massive storm is heading towards the British Isles from the Atlantic. They even say it could be like the storm of '87, which swept across the UK with wild avengence, wreaking havoc in it's path. I have to admit to a certain...

Any tips on age loss?

Any tips on age loss?

I took this photo of Portobello Road in a glorious Autumnal morning light earlier today, then headed to my GP's office for a medical check up...For the record, I was given an excellent bill of health. Apparently my blood pressure is like a person of less than half my...

Continuing on with theme M….The man!!!

Continuing on with theme M….The man!!! Continuing on with theme M….The man!!! Reading the various reviews of Morrissey's autobiography, the divisive reactions are fascinating…With a life steeped in the acute articulation of what it feels like to be an...

Calling all Smiths fans..

Calling all Smiths fans..

I didn't queue round the block for my copy of Morrisey's autobiography. I just waited till today and walked into my local bookstore.. Calling all Smiths fans.. What chapter are you on?

It sort of lost it’s appeal.

It sort of lost it’s appeal.

What kind of smoking habit do you have? Just a few socially, or a pack a day? I used to smoke when I was a teenager.. everyone did. I gave it up when I started singing seriously. Every morning I'd wake up feeling like the picture I just posted. It sort of lost it's...

Who are the bad guys?

Who are the bad guys?

I watched the feature film "The Fifth Estate" about Wikileaks and Julian Assange yesterday and I thought it was very thought provoking indeed. It leaves you with a lot of questions…in fact, I think that the whole thing could be summed up with a...

It goes without saying that….

It goes without saying that….

It goes without saying that I'm passionately interested in the world at large, especially issues affecting the female gender. There's still so much to be done in terms of access to education for girls, sexual and reproductive rights, human rights, equal rights,...