Annie Delivers Berklee College of Music’s Commencement Speech
Following last night's concert at Agganis Arena, Boston, (during which Annie took to the stage to perform "Cold" with some of this year's graduates), Annie this morning delivered the commencement speech at Berklee College of Music's commencement ceremony to...
Annie Lennox To Receive An Honorary Degree From Berklee
Annie Lennox is in Boston today ahead of Berklee College of Music's commencement ceremony tomorrow, where she will address more than 900 Berklee graduates, their parents, and invited guests as she gives the commencement speech and receives an Honorary Doctorate in...

If we live long enough
If we live long enough to be able to look back on several decades…(I'm coming up for "six" next year) we will all identify the narrative threads running through different stages of our life's path. At this point I have so many of those threads, that I...

Very much worth watching!
Going on from our most interesting dialogue from the previous blog I think you'll find this TED piece to be thought provoking and inspiring. Very much worth watching! Click here to watch the video
Annie Lennox To Receive Honorary Degree from the University of Essex
We are delighted to announce that Annie Lennox will be receiving an Honorary Degree from the University of Essex this year in recognition of her work in political and social activism and her extensive campaigning for humanitarian causes. Click here to find...

It’s not rocket science..
The term "Feminist" always seems to create so many kinds of divisive reactions. For me, it's simple and straightforwards. Feminism is about fundamental human rights. You either have access to them, or you don't. Millions of women and girls have little or no...

Annie Lennox Calls On Men To Embrace Feminism – Cape Town Press Club
On Thursday 2nd May 2013 Annie Lennox spoke at Cape Town Press Club calling on all men to embrace feminism to help put an end to gender based violence . Click here to find out more
Annie Lennox Calls On Men To Embrace Feminism – Cape Town Press Club
On Thursday 2nd May 2013 Annie Lennox spoke at Cape Town Press Club calling on all men to embrace feminism to help put an end to gender based violence . Click here to find out more

Flying Tutu …
Flying Tutu ... Bishop Desmond Tutu was to be found swinging from the chandelier at the Press Club in Cape Town earlier today!

I was deeply upset
Earlier today I recorded an interview for a South African TV morning show called "Expresso," which will be broadcast on Thursday May 9th. Tomorrow I'll be addressing a gathering of journalists at the Press Club in Cape Town. The subject I'm focusing on is...

before the hat and dark glasses!
This portrait in the National Portrait Gallery in Scotland bears a strong resemblance to a young version of another Eurythmic…before the hat and dark glasses!

I wish I could crave spinach
How come all the things you seem to really enjoy seem to be really bad for you?! I've been struggling with this concept for years, but I still haven't sorted out the dilemma.. ( feel a U2 song coming on ...) High fructose corn syrup seems to be saturated in just about...
New Interview:
Speaking to Annie Lennox has said that excluding and alienating men in the fight for women’s rights slows down the global women’s rights movement and that both sexes need to work in partnership to overcome entrenched habits and prejudices to help...
New Interview: Annie Lennox Discusses The Need To Include Men In The Women’s Rights Movement
Speaking to Annie Lennox has said that excluding and alienating men in the fight for women’s rights slows down the global women’s rights movement and that both sexes need to work in partnership to overcome entrenched habits and prejudices to help...

Sending out a sunset.
Sending out a sunset. Not just any old sunset, but a glorious one… From sunrise to sunset, throughout every corner of the globe..The day begins and runs it's course 24/7..365..and onwards.. We are but tiny specks of dust..
Read online: Reproductive rights: A matter of life and death
Following on from Annie's visit to Malawi and the "Make It Happen" petition have today published an article written by Annie Lennox discussing the issue of reproductive rights. Click here to read it now
Read online: Reproductive rights: A matter of life and death
Following on from Annie's trip to Malawi and the "Make It Happen" petition, have today published an article written by Annie Lennox discussing the issue of reproductive rights. Click here to read it now

Let’s dance!..Put on your red shoes and dance
Let's dance!..Put on your red shoes and dance the blues…One of my favourite tracks of all time..Who's visited the David Bowie (Official) exhibition at the V and A? Has anyone seen that fantastic documentary about Nile Rogers (The Hit Maker)? Check it out on U...

Glorious Spring at last!
Glorious Spring at last! London starts to rival Tokyo in the annual cherry blossom feat! Could anything be more extraordinarily exuberant..festive or glorious than this natural abundance of blossoms??? Wow!

I’m sentimental.
I'm sentimental. I hold onto things. It's ridiculous, but there ya go. I was given this pink chocolate Buddha on my birthday several moons ago. He should've melted a long time ago, but I didn't want to let him go. Now he's been immortalised in a photograph.. His...