Django Unchained
Well…I actually went to see Django Unchained last night, and gave myself a hearty pat on the back for facing the fear and doing it anyway. It is quite a masterpiece of acting and cinematography, despite the fact that it left me feeling emotionally drained and...
Congratulations to Charlize Theron
Congratulations to Charlize Theron for the honour she received at the Davos Economic Forum for her humanitarian work fighting HIV among impoverished young people in South Africa, a country with 5.9 million infected people. Check out her Africa Outreach Project to find...

I’m sayin’ it with flores
A bunch of flowers …. Nada mas! I'm sayin' it with flores

This is my dear old vanity case.
This is my dear old vanity case. I was given it as a present many years ago in Italy, and it's travelled around the world with me ever since, like a valued friend. Now it's just possibly a little bit too much the worse for wear that I might need to put it out to...
What is it with sharks
I haven't decided whether this gentleman is fearless or foolish. Actually it's probably the former, as he just seems to be handling it like a dog or a cat. I've never heard of a shark handler, but perhaps he is one! What is it with sharks that they want to swim in the...

Thank God for sunglasses!
Thank God for sunglasses!…I don't know what we'd do without them. Any genuine rock star god /goddess would be like a shelled snail without the cover and protection of this wonderful invention. When did people start wearing them like they wear blue jeans? If you...

The History of Sunglasses
"The History of Sunglasses The history of sunglasses can be traced back thousands of years though they were much different to those worn today and served a completely different purpose. The Roman emperor Nero apparently liked to watch gladiatorial combat through...

Just for sharing.
Here's a glorious sunset that I took the other day…Just for sharing. I'm such a Luddite…all I know is how to point and click, and cut and paste, after that it's a dawns dinner! Has anyone out there seen the Life of Pi Movie…?? How did they do...
I’ve just returned from a trip to Malawi…
I've just returned from a trip to Malawi, where I joined with a special delegation of members of the Aspen Institute's Global Leaders Council for Reproductive Health (GLCRH), including former Irish President Mary Robinson, former Latvian President Vaira...
World Leaders Meeting in Malawi Link Lack of Family Planning Funds for Poor Nations to High Maternal Death Rate and Unsustainable Population Growth
This week Annie Lennox is in Malawi attending a World Leaders Meeting on reproductive rights and family planning funding. As a UN task force crafts a new set of development goals to replace those that will expire in 2015, a high-profile delegation that features former...
World Leaders Meeting in Malawi Link Lack of Family Planning Funds for Poor Nations to High Maternal Death Rate and Unsustainable Population Growth
Southern African nation praised for meeting contraception demands, but challenges loom as nation’s youth—now 50 percent of population—approach childbearing age LILONGWE, MALAWI (10 January 2013) – As a UN task force crafts a new set of...

Malawi – Global Leaders Council for Reproductive Health
Annie Lennox travelled to Malawi joined with a special delegation of members of the Aspen Institute's Global Leaders Council for Reproductive Health (GLCRH), including former Irish President Mary Robinson, former Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, former...
Read Online: New Interview
Click here to read a new interview with Annie Lennox and her husband Dr Mitch Besser about their work with HIV/AIDS, activism, advocacy and philanthropy.
Read Online: New Interview with Annie Lennox and Mitch Besser about HIV/AIDS
Click here to read a new interview with Annie Lennox and her husband Dr Mitch Besser about their work with HIV/AIDS, activism, advocacy and philanthropy.
Welcome to my first blog of 2013.
Welcome to my first blog of 2013. I've decided to continue on the theme of the previous two blogs of last year. I don't claim to have the answers as to how to solve the problem of global gender violence and abuse, but I'd like to at least try to address a...
Everyone had a good point to make
Thank you for taking the time and effort to post your comments in response to my blog yesterday. Everyone had a good point to make, and I think that you were all consistent in acknowledging that something urgently needs to be done with regard to violence against...
I was absolutely sickened to read the tragic story about
I was absolutely sickened to read the tragic story about the 23 year old victim of gang rape in India, who has subsequently died due to the severity of her injuries. Violent abuse of women and girls is rampant everywhere, and everyone needs to face...
For the time being I'm giving myself permission to take the pace of time just a little more slowly. I'm stepping off the "busy" wheel, and allowing myself to ease into just "being" and "breathing" with small doses of...
Keep on keeping’ on!
Here's another photo of one of the fantastic Harvey Nichols window displays in London. I think that window display designers should have a higher profile. They create amazing installations to brighten up our drab existences ( like this one) and no...
When I turn 58 on the 25th December 2012
When I turn 58 on the 25th December 2012 I'll have been present on this planet for 365 x 58 (days). According to my calculations that amounts to 19,930 days in total. Which amounts to 19,930 x 24 in hours. Equaling 456,000 hours. Like most folks .. I go to...