I don’t know if any of you are aware…

I don't know if any of you are aware, but right now in northern Mali, the cities of Timbuktu, Kidal and Gao are controlled by extreme fundamentalist Islamist groups, who among other measures,are prohibited the playing of music. In a country who's culture is deeply...

Sam and Ham

"Sam and Ham"! I thought this was hilarious...Two sandwiches... One supporting the other piggy back style on a plate.. You've gotta laugh!

I wouldn’t say that I’m usually a

I wouldn't say that I'm usually a"chrysanthemum" type.. but I have to admit that if there were to be a prize for the aforementioned perennial, then this one would surely have to be a contender.. If you happen to be in West London with an hour or so to spare,...

Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness…

Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness…

Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness... So far I've lived through 57 Autumns. That's quite a few to date. There's always something magical about the third season...especially at the point where all the leaves turn from green to a thousand different shades of red...

So interesting…

So interesting…

So interesting... I love the neighbourhood where I live. There's something extraordinary about it. I love to walk around it because that way you get to see things that otherwise would never present themselves. Yesterday I came upon this curious dynamic. An anonymous...

Last night I headed out to the ASCAP awards …

Last night I headed out to the ASCAP awards …

Last night I headed out to the ASCAP awards to receive EURYTHMICS 12th award for Sweet Dreams..Almost thirty years after it's release, and still going strong! I was on the verge of giving up and heading back to Scotland on the day that we wrote and recorded it... Dave...

Sweet Dreams Awarded 12th ASCAP

  The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) held its 32nd annual Awards tonight at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London. Hosted by ASCAP Senior Vice President, International Roger Greenaway and Vice President, Membership Sean Devine, the...

Thanks to your extraordinarily informed responses,

Thanks to your extraordinarily informed responses,

Thanks to your extraordinarily informed responses, I now know everything there is to know about the wondrous mysteries of the mighty cacti! You are all geniuses, and I'm truly impressed by your knowledge of nature!! So..to compliment that, I'm posting a pair of magic...

I have an ongoing issue with my left foot…S

I have an ongoing issue with my left foot…S

I have an ongoing issue with my left foot…Sometimes I get searing electrical shocks flashing through the nerve endings. It's the kind of pain that makes you stop in your tracks. I'm sure that some of you will know what that's like. It rendered me unfit to...

Greetings Peeps!

Greetings Peeps!

Greetings Peeps! We've been chiillin' for the last week…Thanks again for the thousands of congratulatory messages! Needless to say…Happiness is in abundance over here!