Here’s my latest drawing…

Here's my latest drawing...Hopefully you can recognise who the gentleman is. He's one of my greatest inspirations..Hint! Send in your artwork if you feel like sharing. I'd love to see how artistic ma peeps are!

Goodmorning Bonjour GutenTag BuenosDias!

Goodmorning Bonjour GutenTag BuenosDias! Croissants and pastries on a pink plate..What could be a better way to start the day? I just consumed the custard one and have to tell you that it was very very good..indeed!

Annie Lennox speaks to Cosmopolitan Magazine (UK)

Ahead of International Women's Day (March 8th) Annie Lennox is featured in this month's Cosmopolitan Magazine  (UK) speaking about Feminism and supporting their #iusethefword campaign. Please take a moment to add your name to their e-petition calling on the...

I had meant to post this on Valentines Day

I had meant to post this on Valentines Day, but technology failed me, and my mission had to be abandoned. I've never actually been a massive fan of the 14th February in any case, so I'm taking the liberty of posting these chocolate cakes in any case..sending out the...

Annie Lennox to speak at Scottish Parliament

We are delighted to announce that Annie Lennox will speak at the Scottish Parliament as part of Commonwealth Day events (Wednesday 14 March) in her capacity as Special Envoy of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Scotland Branch. A limited number of tickets...

Annie speaks to O Magazine

Annie speaks to O Magazine

Annie Lennox has spoken to the Observers O Magazine about being awarded her OBE, changing perceptions, HIV/AIDS and more. Click here to read page 1 Click here to read page 2

More recommended films…

More recommended films… If you've never seen GOSFORD PARK, directed by the late, great Robert Altman, then put it on top of your list next time you're at your local DVD store. Made in 2001, and set in the early 1900's, it's an insight into the relationships...

What a terrible tragic waste. So sad.

It's almost unbearable to think of yet another OUTSTANDING artist being  prematurely snuffed out like a light…far too soon. I'm torn between the profound awe I have for the incredible voices of Whitney and Amy, and the horror I feel over the destructive...

Charles Dickens 200th birthday…

Sending out a warm and cosy glow to everyone everywhere from my dinner table tonight. Today was Charles Dickens 200th let's raise a glass or two to the legendary gentleman, and celebrate his extraordinary legacy. Living in London, you are constantly...

The poor flowers don’t know what’s hit them

Who would believe that after our evening of deep and crisp and even, we'd actually be fairly melted away by today. The poor flowers don't know what's hit them,and I have a feeling that these daffs in my kitchen might very well be genetically modified in some way....