News Instagram Music Eurythmics Video Activism News When the wind and the trees whisper to each other… Sep 2, 2019 | Blogread more And then another day arrives… Aug 30, 2019 | Blogread more Prickly… How ‘prickly’ are you feeling these days? I’m feeling pretty prickly all in all.. Trying to create ‘inner peace’ when the outer global situation is totally mad. The news doesn’t help. It’s completely discomforting in every way…24/7 if you choose to pay attention to it. So what d’ya do with that? Like a Zen Buddhist existential conundrum. Aug 29, 2019 | Blogread more « Older Entries Next Entries »
Prickly… How ‘prickly’ are you feeling these days? I’m feeling pretty prickly all in all.. Trying to create ‘inner peace’ when the outer global situation is totally mad. The news doesn’t help. It’s completely discomforting in every way…24/7 if you choose to pay attention to it. So what d’ya do with that? Like a Zen Buddhist existential conundrum. Aug 29, 2019 | Blogread more