Presenting the Doctorate to Annie, Williams College President Adam F. Falk said:
"One of Rolling Stone Magazine’s top singers of all time, you have built a daring career that has combined evolving styles of performance with haunting lyrics and a singularly strong voice. No one commands a stage like Annie Lennox. You have sold, both solo and with the Eurythmics, more than eighty million albums, and you have won almost every award in the field—Grammys, a Golden Globe, BRIT Awards, Billboard’s Century Award, an Oscar. Much popular music and fashion in recent decades has followed in your deep wake. At the same time, you have used your iconic status to advance humanitarian causes globally. Your most focused attention has been on issues involving women and girls, including violence, reproductive rights, and AIDS. You are an ambassador for Oxfam, Amnesty International, the British Red Cross, Nelson Mandela’s 46664 Campaign, and the U.N. Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS. You have also founded the campaign called SING to advance awareness of HIV/AIDS in Africa and to raise funds to combat it through education and treatment. In doing so you have given voice to many of the world’s most vulnerable and overlooked members, providing them opportunities to some day achieve their own sweet dreams.
I hereby declare you recipient of the honorary degree Doctor of Fine Arts, entitled to all the rights, honors, and privileges appertaining thereto. "
Click here to watch a highlights video from the day
Watch footage of the whole event here
(Annie is presented her Doctorate at 01.03.53 on the player)
Image from left to right: Richard D. Parsons, Deogratias Niyizonkiza, Nancy A. Roseman, Billie Jean King, Adam Falk, Stacy Schiff, Annie Lennox, Edward B. Burger